The purpose of this column is to create a better understanding of homosexual problems through the psychiatric viewpoint.


Nota bene,

For this month I have chosen to answer a letter from a homophile friend who is now a well-adjusted teacher and artist. Since he has suggested that I expand on the last paragraph of my letter to D.O.B. in my column on page 28 of the May, 1959, issue of ONE, I shall explain why I said: "Remember, the most awesome word in the English language is MOTHER! But that takes us deep into basic psychiatry and my own personal theories about what makes a homosexual . . .

Dear Doc:


"I read your replies to the D.O.B. in the May, 1959, issue of ONE to my grandmother. (She has practically been a mother to him since the death of his mother many years ago.) She

occasionally reads parts of the magazine which is, I feel, quite wonderful. "If you will recall you said, 'The most awesome word in the English language is MOTHER!'

"This aroused very strong defensive feelings in my grandmother which were directed toward you-because the statement came from you. Although I feel I know quite well what you meant, I believe she does not-and perhaps many of your readers do not know either. Therefore, this note to you to ask if in some future column you might elucidate.

"Did I tell you I had the very great pleasure of meeting Philip Wylie in Miami? And found him a sharp, witty and charming guy. You can guess what reminds me of him Generation of Vipers.

"Tomorrow grandmother and I